Friday, August 21, 2009

Peach-Raspberry Crostata, via Pittsburg Needs Eated.

A few weeks ago, J picked up some raspberries and peaches at the Farmer's Market with the idea that I would make something tasty with them. I've recently been on a baking binge that produced cranberry-orange scones, blueberry cobblers, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, cakes. After stumbling around the internet looking for ideas for my next project , I discovered the most amazing food blog in the world, Pittsburgh Needs Eated. She's got some really great recipes, and awesome pictures to boot. I spent a good long while looking over her postings, and now that I'm thoroughly jealous of her ability to bake, I feel the need to cook just about everything I read on her blog.

The recipe I ended up using for the peaches and raspberries was her Peach-Raspberry Crostata. The results were, I am pleased to say, quite delicious! I didn't follow the recipe exactly, and I subbed in the regular iodized salt for the sea or kosher salt, and I used nutmeg as a sub for the ginger. Those changes aside, it turned out pretty well! The recipe made eight little tarts of varying size (my rolling skills have much to be desired), which really were delicious. I ate one fresh out of the oven, and man oh man, I about died. The crust was perfectly flaky and buttery, the pairing of the fruits really did well. I baked them late at night (2 AMish) so no one else got to eat them fresh when they were at their best. They weren't so awful out of the fridge, though. I think everyone enjoyed them! The only issue I had with the end result was some burning from spilled over juices. I would like to think it added some character to the pastry.

I also decided to bake a birthday cake for a house guest this weekend. The cake was not remarkable by any means, other than the miracle that despite the fact that I ran out of ingredients (flour, sugar, chocolate), the cake turned out okay. I was expecting something slimy and alive to crawl out of the oven (Swamp Thing, perhaps?) but I was delighted to find a perfectly moist, light chocolate cake with a touch of raspberry jam flavoring. I ended up eating most of the cake myself, just out of pure joy that it worked. The next birthday cake I produce will be better.

Thanks to my new favorite food blog, Pittsburgh Needs Eated, for sharing her recipe!
I didn't snap any pictures while I was working on the recipe so I don't have any pictures, but, I promise next time I will provide some pictures.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Introducing Fiddlesticks

Well, hot damn, I've done it again!

I'm taking up blogging again after a few years of absence due to an increasing desire to improve myself in various ways through various means. My intent here would be to share the outcomes of any creative projects I undertake, or other mundane chores I feel like sharing. My audience at this point is solely myself, but I think I can entertain myself fairly well!

Starting up a blog is really tiresome and trite, so my apologies to the peanut gallery. The last time I really attempted blogging wasn't really blogging, I suppose, as people think about blogging now. It was more or less the self-indulged hell that makes up the better part of LiveJournal. Yes, I was young and driven to share my emotions with the world. Thinking about those LJ years feels a bit like looking at all my fashion mistakes from 1997 to 2005. Ouch. Don't be afraid, I will not be repeating those mistakes here!

Onwards and upwards! What I really want to do with this is develop some creativity which has been a bit dormant recently, share things I like or find interesting, and put some of my ideas out there.

I've got some ideas for projects, which include:
-Straightening up my home and adding a bit more style.
-Whipping up some delicious treats in the kitchen. (I love baking a bit too much.)
-Pulling myself out of the frumpy/ill fitting depths of my closet.
-Doing some simple crafts.

Thanks for reading this far. I look forward to sharing some ideas - and hopefully laughs - with you!